Friday, July 15, 2011

White’s Haven ♥ Front Gardens

It's Summertime and the Living is easy…
It’s more like; 
It's Summertime and the living is busy! 
Thought I would share 
some of my pics of our front gardens…
Summertime is meant for enjoying
and that means 
being outside as much as possible.

Take a Stroll through my garden.
I Love Hydrangeas and Roses Together

Carpet Roses, one of my favourites 
New Fountain Feature
Romancing The Rose
White Carpet Roses
Lavender Delphiniums

We can’t ever forget
My Fur Kid, Topaz
I hope you enjoyed your walk through my garden

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


My morning tea  always
tastes better by candlelight
Alone in a room of my own
aware of the stillness that surrounds me
There is something about a lit candle
that makes a room come alive
All my senses become heightened
Wanderlust imaginings fill my mind
The candle flickers with hypnotic light
inviting buoyant energy
to share this esoteric space
as we merge into
secluded stillness